Volume 1 Nomor 1, April 2012 157 Perlindungan terhadap Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Irregular di Luar Negeri ( Adharinalti ) PERLINDUNGAN TERHADAP TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA IRREGULAR DI LUAR NEGERI

Adharinalti Adharinalti


Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara terbesar yang mengirimkan warga negaranya bekerja ke luar negeri, namun banyak diantaranya tidak memiliki dokumen yang sah (dalam kondisi irregular). Dengan statusnya tersebut, hak-hak mereka beserta keluarganya banyak yang tidak tertunaikan dan diperlakukan tidak semestinya. Bagaimana perlindungan terhadap mereka merupakan permasalahan yang harus diberikan solusinya. Dalam penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan normatif ini memperlihatkan bahwa tenaga kerja Indonesia yang tidak berdokumen (irregular situation) beserta keluarganya secara hukum mendapatkan perlindungan. Perlindungan tersebut terlihat dalam International Convention 1990 on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, meskipun hingga saat ini pemerintah belum meratifikasi konvensi tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan perlindungan terhadap worker irregular perlu diupayakan ratifikasi atas konvensi tenaga kerja Indonesia yang tidak berdokumen (irregular situation) beserta keluarganya .

Indonesia is one of the largest countries that send their citizens to work in a foreign country, but many of them do not have valid documents (in the irregular condition). With such status, their rights and their families many of which are not guaranteed and should not be treated. How to protect against them is a problem that should be the solution. In a study using a normative approach shows that Indonesian workers are undocumented (irregular situation) and their families are legally protected. Protection is seen in the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, although until now the government has not ratified the convention. To obtain the protection of irregular workers have sought ratification of the Convention of Indonesian workers are undocumented (irregular situation) and his family.


workers, legal aid, human rights

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33331/rechtsvinding.v1i1.111


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