Apri Listiyanto


Pengadaan barang dan jasa secara ideal bertujuan untuk menjamin efisiensi, transparansi, dan keadilan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembangunan oleh pemerintah. Dalam praktik, pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa masih banyak sekadar memenuhi kewajiban administratif tanpa mempedulikan aspek substantifnya. Tulisan ini akan membahas ten tang pembenahan regulasi di bidang pengadaan barang dan jasa. Melalui penelitian yuridis normatif, penelitian ini menemukan regulasi terkait dengan pengadaan barang dan jasa memiliki kelemahan, khususnya berkaitan dengan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka mekanisme kerja, tradisi, dan perilaku birokrasi yang berpotensi menghambat terwujudnya pemerintahan yang bersih, pembaharuan peraturan perlu disesuaikan agar fleksibilitas pengadaan barang dan jasa memenuhi kebutuhan pemerintah dan sekaligus menghindari ditabraknya prinsip pengadaan yang ada. Disamping itu perlu pula adanya pembenahan terhadap regulasi di bidang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa, yaitu dari Peraturan Presiden diubah menjadi Undang-Undang.

Procurement of goods and services are ideally aimed at ensuring efficiency, transparency and fairness in the implementation of development activities by the government. In practice, the implementation of the procurement of goods / services are still a lot just to meet the administrative duties regardless of the substantive aspects. This paper will discuss the reform of regulation in the field of public procurement. Through normative juridical research, this study found the regulations related to procurement of goods and services have drawbacks, particularly with regard to the implementation mechanisms of goods / services. To address these concerns, the mechanism of action, traditions, and bureaucratic behavior that could potentially hinder the realization of good governance, regulatory reform needs to be adjusted so that the flexibility of the procurement of goods and services meet the needs of government and at the same time avoiding existing procurement principles. Besides, it also needs a revamping of the regulation in the areas of Procurement, which is converted to the President of the Regulations Act.


Reformation, Flexibility, law certainty, good governance

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