PENGARUH BANTUAN HUKUM TERHADAP MASYARAKAT MISKIN ( Meninjau Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum)
Legal aid is an effort to fulfill human rights, especially for Indonesian poorest society. Legal aid should be interpreted and implemented as an effort of human rights enforcement for the poor. The purpose of legal aid should be expanded, not just limited to individual legal assistance, but also structural and not fe ered by mere formal channels. By enacted the Law Number 16 Year 2011 on Legal Aid, raises the ques on of how the in fl uence of legal assistance to the society? By using norma ve research methods and approaches qualita ve data were descrip vely analyzed, was concluded that existence of legal aid has not been maximized e ff ect to legal assistance for the poor, and because of it is s ll on formalis c track and passive. Funding of legal assistance shi ed from the Supreme Court, A orney General and Police to the Ministry of Jus ce and implemented by a Legal Aid Ins tu on or civil society organiza on in order to reach people or the poor community, but the magnitude of budget needs to consider the judicial process, because it feared could hinder the poor to access of jus ce to realize their constuonal rights.
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