Ahmad Redi


Pertambangan tanpa izin (PETI) merupakan perbuatan pidana sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 158 dan Pasal 160 UU Minerba. Namun, penegakan hukum terhadap PETI menjadi dilema bagi aparat penegak hukum karena eksistensi PETI terkait dengan permasalahan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat miskin yang berada disekitar wilayah pertambangan. Bahkan 77% (tujuh puluh tujuh persen) penambang PETI mengalami peningkatan kesejahteraan akibat kegiatan PETI. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis faktor penyebab terjadinya PETI, dampak yang ditimbulkan, dan solusi kebijakan penegakan hukum PETI. Metode penelitian yaitu metode sosio legal research. Adapun jawaban dari permasalahan di atas, yaitu, pertama, faktor penyebab PETI, antara lain, faktor masalah regulasi, faktor kapasitas birokrasi perizinan, faktor pembinaan dan pengawasan yang normatif, faktor kendala penegakan hukum, dan faktor sosial ekonomi. Dampak dari PETI, antara lain adalah dampak kerusakan lingkungan hidup, dampak penerimaan negara, dan dampak konflik sosial. Kebijakan penegakan
hukumnya, yaitu penerapan kebijakan utilitarianisme dan kebijakan pemidanaan sebagai ultimum remedium. Di bagian akhir artikel terdapat saran agar aparat penegak hukum harus mempertimbangkan penegakan hukum non-penal terhadap PETI dan pemerintah harus melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan agar PETI dapat menjadi usaha yang sah.

Illegal mining (PETI) is a criminal offense under Article 158 and Article 160 of the Mining Law. However, law enforcement against illegal mining is a dilemma for law enforcement officers because the existence of illegal mining associated with impoverished communities’ social and economic problems around the mining area. Even the 77% (seventy seven percent) of illegal miners have increased prosperity as a result of illegal mining activities. This paper will conduct a study regarding the causes of PETI, the impact of PETI, and the solution of policy enforcement for PETI. The research method is the method of socio-legal research. As for the answer to the problems above, namely, first, the causes of illegal mining, among others, the regulatory issues factor; capacity of bureaucratic licensing factor; normative guidance and supervision factor; problem of law enforcement factor; and socio-economic factor. The impact of illegal mining, among others, the impact of environmental degradation; the impact of state revenues; the impact of social conflict. The law enforcement policy are implementation of utilitarianism principle and criminalization as ultimum remedium. At the end of the article there is recommendations that law enforcement officers should consider non-penal law enforcement against illegal mining and the government has to provide guidance and supervision so that illegal mining could be a legitimate business.


economy, law enforcement, illegal mining

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33331/rechtsvinding.v5i3.152


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