Nevey Varida Ariani


Alterna ÆŸ f sengketa di Luar pengadilan saat ini menjadi alterna ÆŸ f bagi kalangan bisnis untuk dapat menyelesaikan sengketa bisnis diluar pengadilan hal ini disebabkan karena penyelesian melalui proses pengadilan, dianggap mengalami beban yang terlampau padat ( overloaded ), Lamban dan buang waktu ( waste of ÆŸ me ), Biaya mahal ( very expensive ) dan kurang tanggap (unresponsive ) terhadap kepen ÆŸ ngan umum atau dianggap terlampau formalis ÆŸ k ( formalis ÆŸ c ) dan terlampau teknis ( technically ). Dengan penyelesaian sengketa berdasarkan undang-undang melalui arbitrase dan alterna ÆŸ f penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan melalui mekanisme konsiliasi, mediasi, negosiasi dan pendapat ahli serta penyelesaian sengketa menurut masyarakat adat dapat mencerminkan proses penyelesian sengketa secara adil karena diharapkan dapat menggali nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam masayarakat secara cepat, biaya ringan, damai dengan win-win solu ÆŸ on bukan win lose solu ÆŸ on. Oleh karena itu perlu lembaga-lembaga alterna ÆŸ f penyelesian sengketa terutama dalam hal pelaksanaan eksekusi

Today alterna ÆŸ ve dispute resulu ÆŸ on non li ÆŸ ga ÆŸ on to be an alterna ÆŸ ve for businesses to be able to resolve disputes resolu ÆŸ on business and this is because through the court process, is considered to have the burden which overloaded, Slow and waste of ÆŸ me, very expensive and unresponsive to the public interest, formalis ÆŸ c and technically. Alterna ÆŸ ve dispute Resolu ÆŸ on with statutory arbitra ÆŸ on and alterna ÆŸ ve dispute resolu ÆŸ on mechanisms outside the court through concilia ÆŸ on, media ÆŸ on, nego ÆŸ a ÆŸ on and dispute resolu ÆŸ on expert opinion and according to the indigenous peoples may re fl ect disputes resolu ÆŸ on in a fair process because it is expected to explore the values that live in society as a fast, low cost, peace with the win-win solu ÆŸ on rather than lose win solu ÆŸ on. Therefore, the courts and state agencies need to respect and protect the decisions issued by the ins ÆŸ tu ÆŸ ons of alterna ÆŸ ve dispute resolu ÆŸ on, especially in terms of execu ÆŸ on.


alterna ÆŸ ve dispute resolu ÆŸ on, Non Li ÆŸ ga ÆŸ on, indigenous people, jus ÆŸ ce

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